Monday, April 19, 2010


Ok, I can do this...suddenly something that normally comes as naturally to me as inhaling and exhaling feels strange, and I feel anxious. And I don't know why. I write as easily as I speak. Perhaps it's because I made the error (maybe?) of announcing to the whole world that I was going to do a blog and then asked for the blessing of the masses. But no pressure, April! But deep down I knew I wanted this; it's what I do anyway in everyday life, be it in face-to-face conversation, a text message or a post on Facebook. I look at my world, and I talk about what my senses detect in the world around me. Though I try to lead by logic and principle my heart takes over-ALOT. So that's what this is. I'm inviting y'all to take a peek inside my head, into the battle between sense, and sensitivity. You're going to laugh, because I'm crazy and a little dumb sometimes, you may cry (out of frustration with me), but above all, I think you'll look at me and see yourself, 'cause I'm human in the best and worst senses of the word. That's why I'm so open. It's because Jehovah created humanity to be communal, to support, and teach, and learn from one another, and encourage one another to stay close to him...but we can't do that until we start connecting with one another...and THAT won't happen until we see ourselves in (and THROUGH) one another's eyes. When we share experiences-our pain, our humor, our errors, our lessons learned, we start seeing that we really aren't so different at all. Wow, that was so corny that I made MYSELF nauseous. Sorry. Won't happen again. But there's truth in it still...I think sometimes we look at ourselves and each-other so one-dimensionally, like we put each other in categories ("he is so silly" "she's always so serious"). Like any of us could ever be described in just one word. There is so much color and beauty and variety inside us all. People are like diamonds; they have facets. You hold them up in a certain light and they may shine bright white, but you turn them slightly, or hold them up in a different light and they sparkle blue. Our daily experiences bring out all our beautiful facets, or sometimes, our flaws. Man, I was on a roll, and now I've forgotten where I was going with this illustration. I guess what I was saying is that we all have many different sides, because we all have our own way of interpreting our world. I hope you enjoy reading how I interpret (or "Miz"-interpret mine. :)


  1. Love it love it love it!!!...What a great start.....and I love the title....have fun little one....smooches

  2. After conversation yesterday I am now thinking about stereotypes a lot more than usual

  3. Hey girl you are a great writer you know:)

  4. Ebony I must say, reading your blog over the past year has inspired me as well, so thank you on two counts :)
